Everyday Crossbody Bag Camel | Parfois (2024)

The present Terms & Conditions (together with the Privacy Policy andCookie Policy) establish the conditions that determine the use of thiswebsite (https://www.parfois.com)and regulate the conditions of the product purchase process in it, beingaccessible at all times on the website.

Parfois invites you to carefully read the content of the Terms &Conditions, of the Privacy Policy and of the Cookie Policy before usingthe website.

To place an order on the website you must be at least 18 (eighteen)years old or, if you are a minor, have the authorization of your parentsor legal representatives to hire under legal terms. When you use thiswebsite, you declare that you fulfil these conditions.

The present Terms & Conditions may be changed at any time, and inthis situation, we will post on the website an updated version and awarning to alert to the new version thereof. The use of the website aswell as the realization of any order, after Parfois has published a newversion of the Terms & Conditions, will be subject to the version ofthe Terms and Conditions in force, which must be expressly acceptedprior to the submission of the order.

The following Terms & Conditions regulate the sale of the productspresented on the website by the Company:

- Barata & Ramilo, S.A., hereinafter identified on the website bythe brand “Parfois”

- Headquarters: Rua do Sistelo, Lugar de Santegãos, 4435-452 RioTinto

- NCPI: 500590753 and registered at the Commercial Registry Office underthe same number

- Tel: + 351 220900 800

- E-mail: contact@parfois.com

- Website:https://www.parfois.com

- License no. P330046 of Goldsmithing Retailer without Establishment,issued by Contrastaria do Porto, Imprensa Nacional - Casa da Moeda.

- Tel.: 08000201593

- E-mail: contact@parfois.com

- Website: https://www.parfois.com

By registering on the website, you must ensure that the mandatoryinformation provided is correct and complete. We request that you informParfois of changes in your identification data, such as postal address,email address, and other contact details, by updating your personalinformation on the website without delay.

The website allows you to make a purchase through the "Buy as a Guest"feature not being necessary for this purpose to register. Either way youshould ensure that the mandatory information provided is correct andcomplete. Only personal data strictly necessary to execute your requestare requested, which will only be used for this purpose.

By using the website, you are bound not to make false or fraudulentorders, and Parfois may, if it considers that an order of this naturehas been carried out, proceed cancel it and inform the competentauthorities.

Contact UsHERE

To order one or more products available on the website, you must followthe following procedures:

  • Choose the product on the Parfois website;
  • Add the product to the "Basket";
  • Then, click on "Purchase";
  • You may proceed with the Purchase, as a Guest ("Buy as Guest") or bycreating an account ("New Customer") or, if you already have anaccount, by logging in with your email address and password, or byaccessing via Facebook or Google.

(I) Buy as a Guest

  • If you choose to "Buy as a Guest", you will have to complete a formavailable athttps://www.parfois.com/en/nl/checkout/shipping/, which should include the following information:
  • First and last name;
  • Address and district;
  • Phone number;
  • Email address;
  • Invoice address;
  • VAT number.

(II) New Customer Registration

  • If you choose to register as a "New Customer", you will have tocomplete a form available athttps://www.parfois.com/en/nl/register/, which should include the following information:
  • First and last name;
  • Date of birth;
  • Email address;
  • Password;

Once you have filled out the form with all the above information, youmust select the Method of Delivery of the product, in accordance withthe provisions of Point 6 below. You should then choose one of thePayment Methods available (see Section 5 below). Finally, you shouldclick on "Confirm Payment".

In order to "Confirm Payment", you must first accept the present Terms& Conditions.

Once the order is finished, Parfois will send you an "OrderConfirmation" email. This email is a mere automated proof, which meansthat we have received your order and in whichis sent to you informationabout the number and date of the order, method of delivery and payment,delivery and invoice address, product price, shipping cost, productidentification and its basic characteristics.

Always make sure to review your purchase before clicking "ConfirmPayment". Before clicking on "Confirm Payment" you have the possibilityto edit any information you entered, such as the shipping or invoiceaddress, payment information, or to add, change or remove products inthe "Basket".

You can always access your purchase history, which contains informationon number, date and order status, product identification and its basiccharacteristics, respective price and shipping costs, payment methodused, selected delivery method and invoice address on the Parfoiswebsite under "My Account".

The receipt of the purchase will be sent to you in paper format alongwith your order.

In case of difficulties with your order, you can always contact Parfoisthrough Customer Service (+351 220900800) or contact@parfois.com.

All product orders will be subject to the availability thereof. In thissense, if there is any difficulty regarding the supply of products or ifthere are no products in stock, Parfois will inform you of theunavailability and will reimburse you the amount you may have paid,within a maximum period of 30 (thirty) days.

The prices paid for the products you order are those displayed on thiswebsite, at the time that the order is placed, including VAT at thelegal rate of Parfois headquarters in force, but excluding shippingcosts that will add to the value of the order placed.

Prices are displayed in the currency of the selected country based onthe geographical location of your IP address.

However, you may, at any time, enter the website of Parfois anothergeographic location, by typing its address directly in the browser.

Please note that when changing the country, it is possible that pricesand shipping costs change, and prices of the selected country willapply.

The shipping costs will be charged according to the values indicated onthe website, calculated, namely, according to the selected shippingmethod.

You will always be informed, in a clear and concise way, prior to thecompletion of the order, about the total price of the product, whichincludes the price, all taxes and charges, additional transport costs,shipping costs or any other costs that may exist.

Parfois reserves the right to change the prices of products and shippingcosts at any time, without affecting, however, the orders in respect ofwhich the Order has already been completed.

Promotional codes are codes or words coded as "Discount Coupons" which,for example, may offer you discounts on certain products, in your entireorder, or may represent the offer of shipping costs. Promotional codesonly apply to purchases made on the Parfois website and can only be usedin the country where the purchase was made.

In order to take advantage of promotional codes, you must make sure thatyou enter the code in the appropriate space when making the payment. Ifyou do not apply the promotional code at that time, you will not be ableto use the promotional code in that purchase, without prejudice to beingable to use it in a subsequent order, subject of course to theconditions of use of each promotional code.

Payments can be made through Visa, Mastercard, Maestro Paypal, Klarna(PoT, PL, PN), Google Pay and Apple Pay.

All orders are processed in the local currency of the respective countryof purchase. In the event that your bank account is in another currency,the exchange rate used for debiting your account will be automaticallydetermined by the Bank / Paypal and not by Parfois.

  • Visa, Mastercard, Maestro Cards

In order to reduce the risks of unauthorized access, your credit carddata will be encrypted using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol andverified by Digicert, as best explained in the Privacy Policy.

If payment is made using a credit card, a pre-authorization will be madeto ensure that you have sufficient funds to complete the transaction.

After selecting the credit payment option, you must enter the necessarydata of your credit card, namely the cardholder name, the type of creditcard, the number, validity and security code of the card and, then click"Confirm Payment". The debit on the card will only be made at the timethat the order exits the warehouse.

In case the payment is not authorized, no charge will be made, and youwill receive a warning, by email, with the information that the paymentwas not made, requesting, if you wish to continue with the purchase, toidentify another means of payment.

  • Paypal, iDEAL

Payment by Paypal and iDEAL are safe methods.

In case the payment is made via Paypal or iDEAL the debit will be madeafter clicking on "Confirm Payment".

  • Klarna (Pay Over Time, Pay Later , Pay Now)

In order to offer you Klarna’s payment methods, we might in thecheckout pass your personal data in the form of contact and orderdetails to Klarna, in order for Klarna to assess whether you qualify fortheir payment methods and to tailor those payment methods for you. Yourpersonal data transferred is processed in line with Klarna’s ownprivacy notice:https://www.klarna.com/international/privacy-policy/

  • Google Pay

With Google Pay, it's possible to make purchases using credit or debitcards stored in their Google account.

  • Apple Pay

Apple Pay provides a secure and seamless payment method which could beconfirmed through Touch ID or Face ID authentication.

Orders placed in our Dutch website can only be delivered in TheNetherlands.
All orders will be delivered to the address that youspecified for delivery when you placed your order.

Orders will only be sent after confirming the availability of the stockand after the confirmation of the payment, being sent by Parfois partnercompanies who will handle the delivery of your order through therespective offices closest to your geographical location.

Parfois has the following shipping methods:

  • Home Delivery: € 6.99
  • Pickup Point Delivery: € 5.10
  • Free delivery on order above €39.99

When placing the order, we will ask you to choose the shipping methodthat you want.

The final value of your order will always indicate clearly andprecisely, the supported value of shipping costs.

Parfois will use its best efforts to comply with the delivery of theorder within 6-9 working days (15 days for personalized items), from theday after receiving the payment of the product purchased, and within thedelivery times of the carrier company. Shipping times may increaseduring peak season.

Orders will be shipped only on working days.

If Parfois is unable to comply with the deadline for delivery of theorder, it will inform you of this situation, granting you the option tocontinue with the purchase, establishing a new delivery date, or cancelthe order, with full refund of amounts paid, within a maximum period ofthirty (30) days from the date of knowledge of the unavailability.

If you are not at the place of delivery at the agreed time, the carrierwill contact you by email or SMS.

Please note that in case of non-delivery of the product within thestipulated deadline, by any fact that it is attributable to you, Parfoiswill reimburse you for the amount paid, with the exception of the costsincurred with sending the order, as well as any expenses for the storageand new delivery attempts.

If for any reason you want to return a product, you can do so freely,without any penalty and without justification, within fourteen (14) daysfrom the following day in which Parfois delivered the order to youdirectly or to a third party indicated by you, other than the carrier.Exchanges, returns or cancellations of personalized items (according tothe consumer's specifications), will not be accepted.

In order to exercise your right of free termination of the contract, youmust notify Parfois of this intention by means of an unequivocaldeclaration of termination of the contract, and you may use one of thefollowing contacts:

- Address:

Rua Do Sistelo, 755 - Lugar de Santegãos

4435 - 452 Rio Tinto


- tel.:08000201593;

- E-mail:contact@parfois.com;

- Termination form template availablehere.

If you choose to submit by electronic means the free termination formtemplate or any other unequivocal statement of the termination throughthe website or by email or telephone, Parfois will send you, withoutdelay and within a maximum of 24 hours, on a durable medium (eg byemail) a notice of receipt of the contract termination statement.

The return of the order can be done at a nearby pickup point accordingto the carrier that delivered your order:

  • BPost: If your order was delivered by BPost, you must access theSpring platform to generate your return label -https://parfois.returningtechnology.com/main/step1?lang=en.

    Step 1: Fill in the requested data: Order number“CXEXP…” or the tracking number (visible on theoriginal shipping label) and your zip code;

    Step 2:Select the items you will return;

    Step 3: Fill in yourpersonal details;

    Step 4: Generate the label and print.

    You must pack the items securely in the original packaging, stickthe label on your parcel an return it via PostNL PickUp Points. Findthe closest Pickup point, here:https://www.postnl.nl/en/location-finder..

  • Mondial Relay: If your order delivered by Mondial Relay, you mustaccess Mondial Relay platform -https://retours.mondialrelay.com/d/E1PARFOI/?SiteId=Parfois, to generate your return label, following the next steps:

    Step 1: Fill in the fields below:
    • Email / Emailconfirmation
    • First name and Last name
    •Customer's address
    • Country / Postal Code / Town
    •Weight (customer can find this information on the shipping label)

    Step2: Click on "Get Mon Etiquete”

    The items should be packed securely in the original packaging, ifpossible. You should stick the label on your parcel and go to aPickup Mondial Relay network point to deliver your order.

In any case, the return of the order must be made within a maximumperiod of 14 (fourteen) days from the date on which you notified Parfoisof its decision to terminate the contract.

Shipping costs are the customer's responsibility, it is estimated thatthis submission represents approximately € 10.00 (ten euros).

You must keep and present the receipt of purchase when you return it,keep the product so that it can be returned in the proper conditions ofuse, not exceeding the handling that is usually admitted in a commercialestablishment, intact, labelled and in the original packaging.

Parfois will refund the amount of the returned product without unduedelay and within a maximum period of 14 (fourteen) days from the dateParfois was informed of your decision to terminate the contract, withoutprejudice to the right of Parfois to withhold reimbursem*nt until it hasreceived the returned goods, or until you prove the return thereof,whichever occurs first.

Parfois makes the reimbursem*nts using the same means of payment thatused in the initial transaction, but can, if it so wishes, opt forreimbursem*nt through the attribution of gift cards.

Parfois can cancel any order or not accept a confirmed order in case ofa technical error and / or an error in the prices or in any data aboutthe products contained on the website at the time of placing an order.Parfois will fully refund the amounts paid.

Parfois ensures the guarantee of conformity for goods purchased on thewebsite.

For this, it is necessary that the nonconformity of the product acquiredexists at the moment of delivery and manifests itself within a maximumperiod of two (2) years from the delivery of the product ("Guarantee").

Therefore, in case of finding a lack of conformity of the productpurchased with the contract, you should, within a maximum andnon-extendable period of two (2) months from the date of detection ofthe lack of conformity, contact Parfois, providing the order number, theproduct details and identifying the nonconformity in question, for thefollowing contacts:

- tel.:08000201593; or

- E-Mail:contact@parfois.com

The return of the order can be done at a nearby pick-up point accordingto the carrier that delivered your order:

  • BPost: If your order was delivered by BPost, you must access theSpring platform to generate your return label -https://parfois.returningtechnology.com/main/step1?lang=en.

    Step 1: Fill in the requested data: Order number“CXEXP…” or the tracking number (visible on theoriginal shipping label) and your zip code;

    Step 2:Select the items you will return;

    Step 3: Fill in yourpersonal details;

    Step 4: Generate the label and print.

    You must pack the items securely in the original packaging, stickthe label on your parcel an return it via PostNL PickUp Points. Findthe closest Pickup point, here:https://www.postnl.nl/en/location-finder.

  • Mondial Relay: If your order delivered by Mondial Relay, you mustaccess Mondial Relay platform -https://retours.mondialrelay.com/d/E1PARFOI/?SiteId=Parfois, to generate your return label, following the next steps:

    Step 1: Fill in the fields below:
    • Email / Emailconfirmation
    • First name and Last name
    •Customer's address
    • Country / Postal Code / Town
    •Weight (customer can find this information on the shipping label)

    Step2: Click on "Get Mon Etiquete”

    The items should be packed securely in the original packaging, ifpossible. You should stick the label on your parcel and go to aPickup Mondial Relay network point to deliver your order.

If, after examining the product, Parfois verifies that there is a defector lack of conformity of the purchased product, the customer may chooseto request that the goods be replaced free of charge, throughreplacement, through an appropriate price reduction or through thetermination of the contract with full reimbursem*nt of the price. Asmentioned, these rights must be exercised within the maximum andnon-extendable period of two (2) years from the delivery of the product,under penalty of expiration.

Parfois will proceed to deliver a new product or refund, partially ortotally, depending on your choice, as soon as possible and always withina maximum period of 30 (thirty) days.

In case of option to terminate the contract, with the concomitant returnof the product, you will be refunded the amount paid as the price forthe good, as well as the costs of delivery and, if applicable, the costsof return. The refund of the amount will be made for the same paymentmethod that you used in the initial transaction, unless expresslyrequested otherwise by you.

Are excluded from the warranty effects or malfunctions resulting fromimproper use of the products purchased, non-compliance with theindications/instructions accompanying the products or from repairscarried out by unauthorized third parties.

Perfume returns will only be accepted if the original sealed package iskept.

If you have acquired a watch, Parfois can replace it with a similar oneor one with similar characteristics. namely (i) if repairs proveinsufficient to restore normal working conditions of the same or (ii) ifthe acquired watch case cannot be opened.

However, the warranty on watches does not cover: (i) battery life, (ii)damage caused by water when the watch is not resistant to it, or when itis used beyond the intended depth, (iii) cracking and aging due to use(eg scratched glass, change in color and/or material of the strap andchain , aging/peeling of the coating, etc.), (iv) any damage to thewatch caused by abnormal, abusive, careless and/or from negligence oraccidents (eg broken glass, dents, blows, crushing); (v) misuse and/ordisregard of the instructions provided by Parfois; (vi) tampering withthe watch by unauthorized persons (eg battery replacement, servicing orrepair) or (vii) any changes to its original condition beyond Parfois'control.

The products that Parfois sells, especially those that are handmade,often have the characteristics of the natural materials used in theirmanufacture. These characteristics, such as variations in grain,texture, knots and colors, are not considered defects or lack ofconformity. Rather, you should expect their presence. Suchcharacteristics are unavoidable and should be accepted as part of theindividual product appearance.

METALS The sale of 925 silver products on the website is carried out incompliance with Portuguese Law No. 98/2015 of 18 August, which approvesthe Legal Regime for Jewellery Making and Hallmarking Laboratories,under the terms recently amended by Decree-Law 120/2017 of 15 September.All the 925 silver products available on the website bear thecorresponding hallmarks and responsibility marks. Notwithstanding that,on the basis of the low weight of a metal, certain pieces of jewellerymay bear no marks (hallmarks). You can check the type of precious metalused, the corresponding hallmarks, the weight of the metal and the typeof gemmological metals used after opening the image of the product youwish to purchase, in the “Product details” section. Theweight being referred to in the description of each piece relates to theweight of the metal used solely in the composition of the piece. Somepieces may also show variations in weight. In case of doubts regardingthe authenticity of the marks, the buyer may draw on the servicesoffered by hallmarking laboratories for verification purposes. You canview the legal hallmarks in Portugal on the table available athttps://www.incm.pt/portal/uco_marcas.jsp. To find out about the daily quotation of precious metals, inparticular gold and silver, please visit the links that appear at thebottom of the websitehttps://www.bportugal.pt/taxas-cambio?mlid=828, or simply click on this linkhttp://www.lbma.org.uk/precious-metal-prices. This sale is managed through Barata & Ramilio S.A., NIPC 500 590753, CAE 47770.

Your Parfois timepiece is covered by our warranty against any defects inmanufacturing for a period of 24 months from the date of purchase. Thewarranty covers the watch movement and does not cover:

  • Damages caused by inappropriate use or negligent handling of theproduct nor the natural wear-out inherent to it;
  • The battery;
  • Water damage, except in watches marked as water resistant;
  • External damages on the bracelet/strap, glass or case;
  • Damages that are not caused by defective materials or manufacturingdefects.

The warranty is offered in accordance with the current legislation to bevalid:

  • It must include the purchase invoice if the product was bought online;
  • It must be authenticated with the store stamp at the time of purchaseand have the respective sales slip stapled to it if the product wasbought at a store;

Download Warranty

The Customer warrants that it is authorized to use the texts and otherelements that are part of the personalisation of the products. However,we reserve the right to refuse customization or cancel orders ofcustomized products for failure to comply with these conditions. Thecustomer is solely responsible for the requested customization. We mayrefuse your personalisation or cancel orders of personalised products ifwe detect that the personalisation consists of, or includesinappropriate, third-party or unlawful elements. We do not assume theobligation to verify and do not assume responsibility for the texts orother elements that are part of the personalisation created by the usersof this service. We do not guarantee the legality of these texts orother elements and, consequently, we do not assume any responsibilityfor damages and/or losses that may result to any user(s) and/or anyother third parties - whether individuals, public or private entities -whether it results directly or indirectly from the use of thecustomizable articles section or that has any kind of direct or indirectrelationship with said products.

All copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights in thematerials or content that are provided as part of the website are at anytime owned by Parfois or the licensor, so you may only use such materialin the manner expressly authorized.

This does not prevent you from using the website, to the extentnecessary, to copy the information relating to your order or Contractdata.

The applicable law requires that the information or notifications sentare in writing. By using this website, you agree that the notificationssent by the Parfois are sent electronically.

For contractual purposes, you agree to use this electronic means ofcommunication and acknowledge that all contracts, notices, informationand other notices sent electronically satisfy the legal requirement thatsuch notices are in writing. This condition will not affect the rightsrecognized by law.

In case of doubt about these Terms & Conditions, you can contactParfois through the contact forms available on the website, as well asby calling08000201593orbysending an email tocontact@parfois.com.

Customer service hours are from Monday to Friday from 10:00 AM to 2:00PM and from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Telephone calls are free of charge.

Parfois will make every reasonable effort to fulfil its obligations.

However, it cannot be held liable for non-compliance or delay incomplying with any of its obligations, which are due to events that arebeyond its control ("Force Majeure").

By Force Majeure motives it is understood any unforeseeable and / orirresistible facts, act, event, happening, fault, omission or accidentor any other outside the will and beyond our control, including, but notlimited to, the following:

      1. General strike, or other forms of protest;
      2. State of siege or emergency, disturbance of public order, revolt,invasion, terrorist attack or terrorist threat, war (declared ornot) or threat or preparation for war;
      3. Fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, landslide, epidemic orany other natural disaster;
      4. The impossibility of using trains, boats, aircraft, motortransport or other means of transport, public or private;
      5. Impossibility to use public or private telecommunications systems;
      6. Decisions, decrees, laws, regulations or other normativeinstruments or decisions of any government or public authority.

Parfois' obligations derived from the Contracts shall be deemed to besuspended during the period in which the Force Majeure occurs, therebybenefiting Parfois from an extension of the time limit for fulfillingthose obligations, for a period of time equal to the duration of theForce Majeure period.

Parfois will use all reasonable means to terminate the Force Majeuremotives or to find a solution that will enable it to comply with itsobligations under the Contract, despite Force Majeure motives.

Links to other websites and / or third-party materials referenced on thewebsite are provided solely for the purpose of obtaining information,and Parfois does not have any control over the content of these websitesor materials and therefore cannot be held responsible for any damages orlosses resulting from the use thereof.

You can cancel your account at any time, by deleting it using the app orwebsite. In any case, enter the app and, after identifying yourself,select the ""account"" option, then select ""my account"" and click""delete your account."" If that is your intention, answer the question""are you sure you want to delete your account?"" By clicking ""yes,thank you. I want to delete it. "" You will then receive an email toconfirm the removal of your account. Deleting your account does notcompletely delete your details. Parfois is subject, by law, to thetemporary retention of certain data (mainly relating to name, orderhistory and transactions carried out) for a certain period of time, andonce this period is over, your data will be deleted. Deleting theaccount prevents access to all its features and benefits, but does notimply or affect the cancellation of our newsletter or of any type ofmarketing and advertising communications by prior consent. To stopreceiving our newsletter or other marketing and advertisingcommunications, please select the contact removal option(""unsubscribe"") provided in the communication sent (newsletter / othercommunications). We also remind you that the removal of your accountdoes not affect any rights that Parfois may claim from you, inparticular the right to payment / refund of outstanding amounts or thefulfilment of any other duties and obligations in favour of Parfois.After deletion, if you wish to re-register, please go through all thenecessary steps again, re-entering your details to create a new account.For more information on how we process your personal data, please seeour Privacy Policy hereHERE.

All matters relating to the application or interpretation of the presentTerms & Conditions and any dispute resulting from theinterpretation, validity or breach of contract between the parties shallbe subject to the jurisdiction of the competent Portuguese courts.

To such disputes will be applicable, with express resignation toanother, the Portuguese law.

In case you have been dissatisfied with the purchase of the product orwith the service provided on the Parfois website, you may also, withoutprejudice to the right to submit the dispute to the appraisal anddecision of a court to appeal to one of the alternative consumptiondispute settlement entities.

The alternative European dispute settlement entities currently inexistence are as follows:https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr

We may offer coupon codes which may apply to any, or certain specifiedpurchases or products in PARFOIS Website.

Each coupon code will be subject to specific terms & conditionsspecified at the time the coupon code is issued, namely the length oftime to use the code and if it is applied only on Parfois website oralso in physical stores.

Coupon codes are not cumulative between them. You are only able to applyone coupon code per order.

A coupon code can't be applied to an order after that order has beenplaced.

Certain product category exclusions may apply so we’ll let youknow if you can't use your coupon code on anything before you completeyour purchase.

If the coupon code has expired, you won’t be able use it.

If a coupon code is offered and can’t run properly because offraud, tampering, technical errors or anything else that is beyond ourcontrol which affects the running, administration, security or fairnessof the coupon code, we reserve the right to cancel, modify or suspendthe coupon code.

Coupon codes or discounts are non-transferable and cannot be exchangedfor cash.

For promotion campaigns with specific conditions required, if customerreturns all the products from the order, except the one with discount,Parfois reserves the right not to refund the order until the productwith discount is also returned.

For BOGOF (Buy One Get One Free) or related coupon codes, if customerreturns all the products from the order, except the one for free,Parfois reserves the right not to refund the order until the productwith discount is also returned, or it will deduct the product price(price without discount) from the refund. The above rules apply also forother promotional campaigns.

Everyday Crossbody Bag Camel | Parfois (2024)


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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Author information

Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.