examination of the blockade of class II MHC antigen and h… (2024)

examination of the blockade of class II MHC antigen and h… (1) https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1365-2249.2000.01178.x · examination of the blockade of class II MHC antigen and h… (2) Full text

Journal: Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 2000, №2, p.247-252

Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP)

Authors: S J Fritchley, J A Kirby, S Ali


SUMMARYIFN-γ is a pleiotropic cytokine that is primarily involved in the regulation of immune cell activation and the development of tissue inflammation. It is capable of activating a range of non-immune cells, including those of the vascular endothelium. These cells respond by increasing the expression of intracellular and cell-surface molecules such as class II MHC antigens and adhesion molecules that, together, increase the tendency for interaction with immune cells. It is known that IFN-γ can bind cell surface and extracellular heparan sulphate. Furthermore, soluble heparin can inhibit the function of this cytokine, presumably by competitive displacement from the cell surface, resulting in the failure of normal receptor signal transduction. In this study it is shown that heparin can prevent normal induction of the class II transactivator and heat shock cognate protein-70 in an IFN-γ-treated endothelial cell line. Both of these molecules are dependent on the activation of intracytoplasmic STAT-1, which is the most receptor proximal component of their respective induction pathways. This provides further evidence for the blockade by heparin of ligand activation of the specific IFN-γ receptor.

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What are Class I and II MHC molecules ________? ›

Class I MHC molecules span the membrane of almost every cell in an organism, while class II molecules are restricted to cells of the immune system called macrophages and lymphocytes. In humans these molecules are encoded by several genes all clustered in the same region on chromosome 6.

How will you differentiate antigen presentation by MHC class I and MHC class II? ›

MHC class II presents peptide fragments that are generally larger than those presented by MHC class I, because the peptide-binding groove of MHC class II is open, allowing peptides to extend out of this site[94].

What does MHC II restricted mean? ›

MHC restriction means that different T cells are restricted to either Class I or Class II MHC antigens (Figure 2-6). Cytotoxic T cells are restricted to Class I antigens present on nucleated body cells, thus play a role in protecting against virus-infected cells or cancerous cells.

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ADautoimmune disease
SLEsystemic lupus erythematosus
T1Dautoimmune type 1 diabetes
RArheumatoid arthritis
GDGraves' disease
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What does MHC class I and II do? ›

MHC class I and class II molecules are similar in function: they present peptides at the cell surface to CD8+ and CD4+ T cells, respectively.

What is the difference between MHC-I and MHC-II? ›

MHC Class I proteins are found on the surface of almost all nucleated cells in the body. MHC Class II proteins are primarily expressed on antigen-presenting cells, including dendritic cells, macrophages, and B cells.

What is the difference between MHC-I and MHC-II quizlet? ›

MHC Class I utilizes a proteasome. MHC Class II uses a endolysosome to cut their peptides.

What is MHC class II signaling in antigen-presenting cells? ›

Antigen processing and presentation

The MHC II molecule then travels to the surface to present the antigen to a helper T cell. MHC II activate helper T cells which help release cytokines and other things which will help induce other cells which help to combat the pathogens outside the cells.

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In the classical MHC class II presentation pathway, exogenous antigens are acquired by antigen-presenting cells and delivered into the endo-lysosomal system, where they are broken down to peptides and presented on MHC class II molecules.

What is the effect of MHC Class II deficiency? ›

Clinical manifestations
DiseaseGenetic defect/presumed pathogenesisClinical features
MHC class II deficiencyMutation in transcription factors for MHC class II proteins (CIITA, RFX5, RFXAP, and RFXANK genes)Recurrent severe infections. Failure to thrive, diarrhea, liver/biliary tract disease Autoimmune cytopenias
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What is the role of MHC-II in the immune response? ›

MHC Class II refers to a molecule composed of two polypeptide chains, α and β, that form a heterodimer with conserved and polymorphic domains. It is involved in presenting a broader range of peptide fragments to CD4+ T cells for immune surveillance.

Are self-antigens good or bad? ›

Self-antigens are supposed to be tolerated and non-self antigens are supposed to be targeted and destroyed. Antigen-presenting cells from the innate immune system find antigens and present them to T cells. The T cells activate B cells, which produce antibodies.

What is the treatment of choice for MHC class II deficiency? ›

As in other combined immunodeficiency disorders, bone marrow transplantation (BMT) is considered the treatment of choice for MHC class II deficiency.

Can viruses be presented on MHC class II? ›

Increasing evidence suggests that viral proteins normally found in the cytoplasm and exocytic compartments can be efficiently presented by MHC class II proteins. This apparently occurs in cells where viruses replicate, and some viruses prevent recognition of infected cells by CD4þ T cells.

What are the MHC disorders? ›

MHC class II deficiency is a prototype of a disease of gene regulation. Defects in transacting regulatory factors required for expression of MHC class II genes, rather than the genes themselves, are responsible for the disease phenotype.

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MHC class I molecules are one of two primary classes of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules (the other being MHC class II) and are found on the cell surface of all nucleated cells in the bodies of vertebrates. They also occur on platelets, but not on red blood cells.

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What are the roles of the MHC I and II molecules? regulation of immune response. Recognition of self and regulation of immune response.

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Classical MHC class I molecules are ubiquitously expressed on all mammalian cells including cells of epithelial origin while MHC class II molecules are selectively expressed on antigen-presenting cells (APC) including dendritic cells (DC), macrophages, and B cells.

What are Class 2 MHC molecules? ›

Major histocompatibility complex class II molecules (MHC II) are expressed by immune cells like B cells, dendritic cells (DCs), and monocytes/macrophages and designed to stably bind and present fragments from exogenous proteins to the immune system.


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