GPA Calculator: Accurate, Quick, And Reliable GPA Calculating (2024)

The GPA Calculator helps students calculate their current GPA accurately and immediately. The GPA, a pivotal metric in a student's academic profile, is intricately woven from the grades earned in each course, coupled with the corresponding credit hours and their respective weights.

What is the GPA Calculator

Before using the GPA Calculator, let's first understand what GPA is. The A Grade Point Average (GPA) is a numerical score of a student's performance throughout their academic semester. A student’s GPA is typically measured on a scale ranging from 0 to 4.0 or 5.0 (depending on the weighted or unweighted scaling system).

The GPA Calculator is an academic tool assisting students to determine their Grade Point Average (GPA). By inputting their grades and associated credits for each course, you can quickly and accurately evaluate academic performance over a specific period. Streamlining the process of GPA calculation, the GPA Calculator saves time for manual calculations.

While GPA Calculator provides an overview of a student's performance across multiple courses, the Grade Calculator is used to assess their performance on a specific course. To achieve a high GPA, it's essential to estimate your grade in each course. Use the Grade Calculator to calculate your average score. If your current average is not what you desire, you can use the Final Grade Calculator to determine the grade you need on upcoming assignments or exams to reach your goal.

How to Use the GPA Calculator

Utilizing a GPA calculator is a straightforward procedure that involves entering the grades and credit hours for each course. Here's a comprehensive step-by-step guide to using the GPA calculator:

GPA Calculator key terms

Before delving into the intricacies of any calculator, and specifically the GPA Calculator, it is crucial to comprehend the following key terms:

Course Name: This term refers to the distinct title assigned to a course, such as Mathematics, Marketing, Literatures, or History. The course name varies depending on the academic institution.

Grade: The academic performance in a given course, typically represented by letter grades such as A+, B-, C, etc. When using the GPA Calculator, selecting the appropriate grade for each class is fundamental to calculating an accurate GPA.

Credits: The assigned weight or value to a course, reflecting the time and effort required for its completion. Credits, or credit hours,are often specified in the course syllabus or can be found on the academic transcript. Inputting the correct credit hours into the GPA Calculator ensures a precise calculation of the overall GPA.

Weighted: An option in GPA calculation that represents the course difficulty. When a GPA is weighted, the level of complexity or difficulty of each course distinguishes between regular, honors, or Advanced Placement (AP) courses. The weighted GPA provides a more exact reflection of a student's achievement in their academic pursuit. Weighted scoring involves prioritizing courses by assigning a bonus score based on their difficulty.

Step-by-step guides on how to use the GPA Calculator

Step 1: Type the name of the Course

Begin by inputting the names of your courses. For instance, enter titles like Math, Marketing, History, etc. to distinctly identify each course.

Step 2: Input the Course’s grade

Next, input the appropriate letter grades for each course, choosing from options like A+, B, C-, and so on.

Step 3: Input the Credit

Note the credit hours assigned to each course. This information is usually accessible in your course syllabus or on your academic transcript.

Step 4: Select Weighting option

Depending on your academic institution's requirements, you might need to indicate whether you prefer a weighted or unweighted GPA. If your courses vary in difficulty levels, additional information such as the course level (regular, honors, or AP) may be required to calculate a weighted GPA.

Step 5: Initiate calculation

Once all the necessary data has been input, initiate the calculation process. The GPA calculator will typically offer the option to generate either an unweighted or a weighted GPA based on the information provided.

Note: You can add more semesters as needed.

GPA Calculation: Formula and Example

To compute the GPA (grade point average), you must assign numerical values to letter grades and subsequently average them, resulting in an overall measure of academic performance. Here's a basic guide to the GPA calculation:

GPA Calculation Formula

The GPA is determined through a weighted average of grades, with the number of credits serving as the weight. The numeric grade is derived from the GPA table. Mathematically, the GPA is expressed as the sum of the product of the credits (c) and the corresponding grade (g):

GPA = cg1+ cg2+ cg3 +... + cn×gn) / (c1+c2+c3+...+cn)

In which:

c: The credits

g: The course’s grade

Examples of GPA Calculations

The calculation of unweighted GPA and weighted GPA is a bit different. While unweighted GPA treats all courses equally, weighted GPA considers the difficulty and complexity of the courses and assigns additional points accordingly.

Example 1: Unweighted GPA

In an unweighted GPA system, every course holds the same weight, irrespective of its level of difficulty.

If your school used an unweighted GPA system, your grades might look like this:

  • Literature: A (equivalent to 4.00), with a credit value of 2.
  • Physics: A- (equivalent to 3.67), with a credit value of 3.
  • Math: B- (equivalent to 2.67), with a credit value of 4.

Your unweighted GPA is calculated by:

Unweighted GPA = 2 × 4.00 + 3 × 3.67 + 4 × 2.67) / (2 + 3 + 4) = 29.69 / 9 = 3.29

So, the GPA is 3.29, equivalent to grade B on the letter scale.

Example 2: Weighted GPA

The scale for weighted GPAs may extend beyond 4.0 to account for these extra points. The specific weighting system can vary by institution, but it often adds extra points to the GPA for honors or AP courses, reflecting the increased difficulty.

For example, if an AP course has a grade point of 3.0, then the “real” grade will be 3.00 + 1.00 = 4.00.

Let's examine this scenario:

  • Business: A- (equivalent to 3.67), with a credit value of 2.
  • AP Accounting: B (equivalent to 4.00; as for an AP class, B = 3.00 + 1.00 = 4.00), with a credit value of 3.
  • IB Economics: B+ (equivalent to 4.33; as for an IB class, B+ = 3.33 + 1.00 = 4.33), with a credit value of 2.

Your unweighted GPA is determined by

Unweighted GPA = (2 × 3.67 + 3 × 4.00 + 2 × 4.33) / (2 + 3 + 2) = 28 / 7 = 4.00

So, the GPA is 4.00, equivalent to grade A on the letter scale.

To determine the additional weighted bonus for each category, consult the following table:

Weighted type

Weighted bonus










GPA Table: Converting Grade Letters to Grade Points

The table presented below illustrates the conversion of your letter grades into numeric grades (percentages) and corresponding GPAs on a 4.0 scale.

Grade (letter)

Grade (percentage)



97 - above

4,33 - above


93 - 96,99

4,00 - 4,32


90 - 92,99

3,67 - 3,99


87 - 89,99

3,33 - 3,66


83 - 87,99

3,00 - 3,32


80 - 82,99

2,67 - 2,99


77 - 79,99

2,33 - 2,66


73 - 76,99

2,00 - 2,32


70 - 72,99

1,67 - 1,99


67 - 69,99

1,33 - 1,66


63 - 66,99

1,00 - 1,32


60 - 62,99

0,67 - 0,99


0 - 59,99

0,00 - 0,66

Say goodbye to the days of calculating GPA manually; the process of computing GPA is now simplified with the help of GPA Calculator. There is no exaggeration to say that GPA calculators have become indispensable companions in the student’s educational journey.

Grade Point Average -Frequently Asked Questions

How to calculate your GPA on a 4.0 scale?

To calculate your GPA on a 4.0 scale, follow the below steps:

Step 1: Assign each of your letter grades a numerical value based on the 4.0 scale (for example: A = 4.0, B = 3.0)

Step 2: Multiply each grade's value by the course's credit hours.

Step 3: Add the results for all courses.

Step 4: Divide the total by the total credit hours.

For example:

  • On Math (3 credits) you got an A
  • On Literature (4 credits) you got a B
  • On History (2 credits) you got a C

Your GPA calculation would be:

(4.0 * 3 + 3.0 * 4 + 2.0 * 2) / (3 + 4 + 2) = (12 + 12 + 4) / 9 = 28 / 9 = 3.11

How to raise your GPA?

To raise your GPA, focus on improving your grades in current and future courses. Here are some tips to help you raise your GPA:

  • Manage your time: Create a study schedule that allows you to allocate sufficient time to each subject. Avoid procrastination and stay organized with your assignments and study materials.
  • Seek help when needed: If you're struggling with a particular subject, don't hesitate to seek help from your teachers, tutors, or classmates. Understanding difficult concepts early can prevent them from affecting your overall GPA.
  • Review and practice: Regularly review your notes and textbooks to reinforce your understanding of the material. Practice problems and quizzes can help you assess your comprehension and improve your performance.
  • Take advantage of extra credit: If your courses offer extra credit opportunities, take advantage of them to boost your grades.
  • Consider retaking courses: If you've performed poorly in a course that is essential to your GPA, consider retaking it to improve your grade.

What is the difference between weighted and unweighted GPA?

Unweighted GPA: This GPA scale doesn't consider the difficulty of the courses. Each course is given the same weight when calculating GPA.

Weighted GPA: This GPA scale considers the difficulty of the courses. Courses such as honors, AP (Advanced Placement), or IB (International Baccalaureate) are given extra weight, usually on a scale of 4.0 to 5.0 or higher. This means that an A in an honors or AP course might be worth more than 4.0 on a 4.0 scale.

GPA Calculator: Accurate, Quick, And Reliable GPA Calculating (2024)


How can I calculate my GPA fast? ›

Add up your grade points for each class. Then divide the sum by the total number of credits earned in those courses.

How do you calculate GPA accurately? ›

Calculate GPA
  1. Multiply the point value of the letter grade (see values below) by the number of credit hours (credits, units). ...
  2. Total the quality points for all terms.
  3. Total the credit hours for all terms.
  4. Divide the total quality points for all terms by the total credit hours for all terms.

Is a 3.735 GPA good? ›

A 3.7 GPA is a very good GPA, especially if your school uses an unweighted scale. This means that you've been earning mostly A-s in all of your classes. If you've been taking high level classes and earning a 3.7 unweighted GPA, you're in great shape and can expect to be accepted to many selective colleges.

How accurate is a GPA calculator? ›

While this GPA calculator yields accurate results, it is UNOFFICIAL. The Registrar's Office maintains all academic records and calculates official GPAs.

Can I bring my 2.7 GPA to a 3.0 in my senior year? ›

Yes! During any semester students have the opportunity to raise their GPA by earning top grades or grades that are increase over previous semesters.

Is a 2.9 GPA good? ›

A 2.9 GPA is a grade point average that falls between a B- and a C+ on the 4.0 grading scale commonly used in the United States. It represents a slightly below-average academic performance, indicating that the student has maintained mostly C+ grades, with some grades falling below or above that range.

Is there an app to calculate GPA? ›

Fourpoint - A GPA Calculator on the App Store.

Can I calculate my own GPA? ›

The Calculation

First add up the total hours attempted and total grade points earned... Then divide the total grade points by the overall hours.

How do I find my actual GPA? ›

How To Calculate Your Own GPA. To calculate your GPA, divide the total number of grade points earned by the total number of letter graded units undertaken.

Is a 5.0 GPA impressive? ›

A 5.0 GPA is definitely considered impressive as it shows that you have consistently performed well in your classes, and you likely took a number of Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) courses, which increased your weighted GPA above the typical 4.0 unweighted scale.

Is a 1.71 a good GPA? ›

The answer is No. The national average for a GPA is around 3.0 and a 1.7 GPA puts you below that average. A 1.7 GPA means that you've gotten only C-s and D+s in your high school classes so far. Since this GPA is significantly below a 2.0, it will make things very difficult for you in the college application process.

Is a 3.999 GPA good? ›

Is a 3.9 GPA good? Assuming an unweighted GPA, a 3.9 means that you're doing exceptionally well. This GPA indicates that you've earned all As on average across all of your classes. If you've been taking high level classes, this is all the more impressive.

How do I calculate my GPA correctly? ›

Standard GPA Calculation

Multiply the grade value of the course by the semester hours for that course. The product of this multiplication will be the grade points. Divide the cumulative grade points by the cumulative attempted hours.

Is a 3.41 GPA bad? ›

A 3.4 is on the verge of an A- and demonstrates consistently good test-taking, studying, and research skills. A 3.4 is comfortably above the national average GPA for high school graduates and is considered competitive at most colleges and universities.

Will my GPA affect my life? ›

Your grades can help you plan for your future. In fact, you can use your GPA a lot like your GPS to determine where you are and where you are going. The more you know about your strengths and opportunities for improvement, the better you'll know where you need to apply yourself more.

How to calculate GPA on a 4.0 scale? ›

To calculate your high school GPA, add together your grades on the 4.0 scale after converting them from letter grades, and divide the sum by the number of classes you are taking. Additionally, many high schools use a secondary GPA system called a "weighted GPA system."

What is the formula to calculate a GPA? ›

To determine the total grade points earned per semester, determine the points for each class and add them together for the total grade points that semester. To determine your grade point average, divide the total grade points by the total credit hours under consideration.

What will an F do to a 3.0 GPA? ›

Your current GPA is 3.0, so your total grade points (before the F) would be 3.0 44 = 132 grade points. If you receive an F in a 4-credit hour class, that's 0 grade points added to your total. So, your new total grade points would be 132.

Is 2.8 GPA good? ›

Is a 2.8 GPA Good? Because a 2.8 is two-tenths of a point from a B average, a 2.8 GPA indicates several above-average grades and that your performance on homework and exams was up to par. With a 2.8 GPA, several colleges will consider your application, so you have a decent number of options to choose from.


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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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