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ri Merced Express 4 1 Thursday May 28 1959 West Not Dead More Parks Urged Merced! I In General Plan Me rced-Madera Would Require Bond Issue Vote The recommendations some He said it is important that people in the high school districts are informed that the junior college will receive most of its support locally through taxes and that a bond election will be necessary before buildings can be built It might be cheaper to operate a junior college for Merced and Madera counties than to continue without one members of the Merced County Committee on School District Organization Merced County Board of Education and a Madera County citizens committee were told Monday night Assistant Supt Floyd Schel-by said this county paid out $21838594 in 1957-58 for the tuition costs of 373 local students attending junior colleges elsewhere in the state He said a tax levy of 20 cents was required to pay the aby min rate had risen in seven years away Pirtle told deputies In addition to foe cattle thefts Pirtle said that other cattle had been let loose from his bams on various occasions These heifers were recovered however Deputies also have turkey thefts to contend with Hilmar rancher Tom Newman said that persons had stolen an unknown number of turkeys frpm his ranch between Bloss Ave and Geer Rd Investigators found that two wire fences had been raised by foe turkey thieves Feathers were scattered near the fences This theft was reported to deputies Monday A joint effort by Merced city and county to build a park between Childs and Cone Avenues was called for Monday night by foe section on recreation and parks General Plan Advisory Committee "We're neglecting those people down these declared Joe Herb who is also a member of the Merced Recreation and Parka Commission Herb moved that an study be of the possibility of building a to 10 acre neighborhood pork south of Childs Ave The motion was passed unanimously The committee also voted to include in foe proposed General Plan: A 5 to 10 acre park site near Burbank School A 2 to 5 acre site within three years northwest of foe city A 3 acre site adjacent to a proposed school near McKee Road ami Olive Avenue A 2 to 5 acre aite adjacent to Givens School "as soon as quired for junior college tuition in his county has risen in the past few years from 2 cents to 17 cents He said increased high school enrollment there points toward further increase in the number of students going to junior colleges and further tax rate increases meeting was the fourth devoted to discussion of the need and feasibility of a local junior college The Madera and Merced groups decided Monday night to discuss the situation further within their own groups before holding another joint meeting Clemo said junior college districts may be formed by resolution of the county dii trict organization committee or by the governing board of a high school district The State Board of Education reviews surveys made in the proposed junior college district and must determine the feasibility before an election may be held to form the district Clemo said a majority of all high school districts in the proposed junior college must vote in favor offoe formation before a bond election to get building money may be held DOGFACES DEATH HERE UNLESS 'BOUGHT Last chance to get a male one-year-old Dalmatian dog seven or eight was announced today by Merced Poundmaster Donald Pugh Pugh said the animal has not been claimed and can now be given to anyone who is capable of providing it with a good home He said it will have to be destroyed if no one offers it a home soon The "seven or eight would be for vaccination fee and feed charges at the animal shelter of which are more specific than those of Harold Wise foe General Plan consultant will be presented when the City Planning Commission conducts hearings on foe General Plan next month The committee conducted its deliberations in Joint ses- sion with the recreation commission during the regular monthly meeting in foe city council chamber Mrs Joan Stribling presided over the commission in the absence of Chairman Dr Richard Zug A concession for refreshments during foe baseball season at McNamara Park was awarded to Gene Hogan 1922 SL Recreation Director Earl Smith reported that baseball field lights at Hoover School will be completely Installed foe end of this week He also reported that foe parking lot at McNamara Park a nearing completion The high school swimming program underway at Memorial Plunge consists of 500 boys daily he said Present were Mrs Stribling Herb Norman Herman Tom Parker Don Fretz and Robert Hesse Opposes Fee Charges For Juvenile Hall from 7 cents to 20 cents and will continue to rise Robert Clemo a representative of the State Department of Education said that a tax rate of between 25 and 42 cents would be required to buy buildings and sites and to operate a junior college for the two counties Madera County has joined with Merced in making a study of the needs for a junior college in the area Emerson Bain Madera County superintendent of schools said the tax rate re Use them to separate dining and living room area or group them around a mirror to form a bedroom vanity comer ments if they were difficult! to he said ipossioie batimTleiartaimS1 WMPaT bandon pUms Pr0" bation department was al- Lg by the recreation com- ready charging parents wheK)n(or parks at 11th and depart- streets and adjacent to Placement in fostw ya Junior High School homes and California Youth1 Mrs Benton Will Open National Convention In LA Local Clubs To Air Problems Bags Dangerous On Solicitation HERE'S WHAT WE HEAR NOW I This is what Mrs Gloria Palmer of Cathay wondered! when King Baudouin of the Belgians walked in for a bottle of cold pop while en-route to Yosemite from Merced Mrs Palmer and her husband manage Lighthouse a small diner-gas station combination and she became as shaky as a pile-driver when a secret service agent stepped into foe room ooked over the situation and announced: the king WWW MRS PALMER know whether to holler live the to curtsy or what to do when the king walked right in and sat at the counter The agent said she could take a picture but she couldn't find her camera or even a pencil for an autograph and the king was very calm about the whole thing but it will be long time before she for- oniical and unwise to estab-gets the day foe king stopped I lish a policy of collecting Ju-for a bottle of pop venile Hall costs from foe par WWW ents of hall inmates Proba- ESCORTING SUCH dieni-1 tion Officer Robert Mowers taries as foe king can be the told Boan Supervisors berries today Dale Laney California High- Reporting to foe board af-way Patrolman who escorted I ter an April survey of the the king to' Yosemite gets juvenile detention facility called upon now and again to Mowers said that foe finsn- lead motor caravans to foe national park would not justify foe expense Lanev I I'm certain flat eMl th Ynu we foT children held in Juvenile Hall we should SMPL11" Prime collect first for adults held in ister of Pakistan County Mowers said wlooB I can foresee a possible Highway 140 and the thought question arising which would hit me What will I do if I be hard to answer should we someone takes a potshot at begin to concentrate on ju-foe prime minister?" Laney veniles as a source of said Mowers said that foe total While he was thus think- average detention in the hall tag he looked into his rear-1 for each child was 75 days vision mirror at foe car Much of this time is confine-when Bang! there was a loud ment prior to a court appear-explosion and all Laney saw I ance for which Mowers said was a "big cloud of dust I no charge could-legally be going made said Laney Exc 1 i non-residents got the prime minister!" who were detained only brief-Things turned out ok how- fr jn Hajl Mowers everThe car had just fLmdSS hit a chuck hole and blew a ihJL nnrtv h-j ceived financial assistance The touring party from weifare department good time directing traffic probation of- while the tire vu changed fic5r esfomited that it would nA I be possible to charge for on IT HAPPENS every time Ijy gg days detention for the remainng youngsters a total 19th SL has told her son gf 2372 marty times to be careful However Mowers said that Jth Jii Jtwatch or 416 1 it was unlikely that all these will lose it families would pay But then she borrowed his do not have foe staff or watch while she worked on to go into the collection the recent high school tnisteebusineM on neces election And while foe gary to actually force pay-high school she let a photo-1 paper hold her watch while le took her picture Result? He took off with the watch in his pocket And there I said Mrs Conger what my boy would MRS SHIRLEY Weekes 450 26th SL painted a portrait of Merced boxer Woody Winslow for her recent art exhibit here Winslow noticing she painted a towel next to him asked what it was for so you will always have it ready to throw in Not In Improvements In Path Of Freeway iTo Be Auctionec Twenty five pieces of property along the Merced Freeway right-of-way wiU be up for auction Thursday and Friday 1 Beginning at 10 am Thursday 13 properties It would be both unecon- Authority institutions He said that charging some parents for the board and room of their children in Juvenile Hall would be case few cases however could be established before court and payment ordered in Mowers said "Unless the judges are willing to de- purpose and not all judges 1 measure requiring manu- Stu SUCiL facturerx of plastic bags to will opinions so far are that ma them as potentially dan-no egal basis exists for col-Lerous to children has been introduced in foe state as- Mowers said that only Sac- aembly Jim Gallagher local ramento and San Mateo I dry cleaner said today Counties diarge parents fori bm ig 8ponsored by Juvenile Hall costs And in Milton Marks of San Francis-foese counties the selection and to mtb the ris-of cases for charges done lng toll of children smothered on a very careful by bags in their homes Mowers said 1 1 1 i from Paris to address foe evening session at foe auditorium Thursday morning June 4 John McKleman president of foe National Coffee Association will discuss: Important is Trade with Latin The program Thursday evening features two well known speakers Walter Reufoer president International Union United Automobile Workers AFL-CIO and Charles Sligh Jr executive vice president National Association of Manufacturers Friday June 5 the clubwomen will hear Cartha DeLoach assistant director Federal Bureau of Investigation Frank Tetzloff chief air pollution engineering program Public Health Service Davis chief division of recreation California region Forest Service and Lauren Grayson president -American Water Works Association One of the most popular events of the convention will take place Friday noon at foe Communications luncheon at the Palladium At this time foe motion picture television and radio' awards will be made The closing session Friday evening will be highlighted wtih a program by leading motion picture stars Mrs A Benton of Merced president of the California Federation of Women's Clubs will open the National' General Federation of Clubs Convention in Los Angeles on Monday evening June 1 Mrs Benton also will be on hand to welcome Miss Chloe Gifford of Lexington Ky and Washington DC president of the General Federation who will arrive in Los Angeles on Saturday Thousands of clubwomen will converge upon Los Angeles June 1-5 inclusive to attend the 68th annual convention of the General Federation the largest group of organized womanhood in the world Monday evening June 1 Is "California A dinner at the Palladium will be followed by a "star studded" program which has been arranged by the California clubwomen The Honorable Edmund Brown governor of California and the Honorable Norris Poul-son mayor of Los Angeles will welcome the women to California Dr Lyman Ginger past president of the National Education Association and now Dean of the College of Education at the University of Kentucky will speak at the afternoon session A highlight of this session will be the announcement of the winner of the "Teacher of the project by Mrs Henry Lester Smith Bloomington lnd chairman of foe Education Department of the Federation The winning teacher will receive a round-trip ticket to Europe from foe Scandinavian Airlines Harold Fellows president of foe National Association of Broadcasters will present a gold key to foe winner The "piece de for many clubwomen will come the evening of June 2 when Lawrence Welk and his Champagne Music Makers present an evening in concert at foe auditorium Wednesday June 3 is International Day The morning session will feature two speakers Lydia Van Zandt journalist-lecturer and Col Serge Obolensky writer-lecturer and author of foe best seller "One Man In His Walter Coombs executive director of foe Los Angeles World Affairs Council will speak at foe International Clubs luncheon at the Palladium Rose Hanaya gi popular dancer in Los Angeles will be featured in special dances The afternoon session also at foe Palladium will be given to the reports of foe international delegates General Schuyler USA chief of staff SHAPE Headquarters will come Solicitation problems confronting focal organizations which sponsor fund drives or benefits will be the subject of a public meeting at 8 pjn Wednesday in foe Merced city council chambers The Merchants Committee of foe Merced Chamber of Commerce has invited representatives of service dubs fraternal organizations and church' gtoups to attend Police Chief Ralph Bond will be the speaker Bond will explain foe licensing requirements for solicitors but the discussion is expected to extend beyond procedures The Merchants Committee has said at recent meetings that it is not opposed to solicitations for focal causes but prefers that foe money remain with focal organizations Only last week the Merced City Council balked at waiving the license fee for a circus sponsored by the Kiwan-is Club Even though some of foe receipts were to go to foe club foe council ordered the feq paid on foe grounds that foe circus was to get the bulk of foe Gallagher who is chairman I of the schools and education committee of the California Dry Cleaners' Association also said that warning tags to slip over hangers and cards to be placed on the counters in establishments will be distributed soon by one of the bag manufacturers The national death toll I reached 30 this week with the suffocation of an infant in A total of 128 persons Sat- Cleveland urday night attended a fare- Gallagher said that parents well dinner and dance fori should be certain that bags Mis Mariam (Bid) Wilson do not get into the hands who is resigning from the children and that they are not Merced office of foe Califor- used for purposes other than nia Highway Patrol after 32 1 those intended years Capt William Burch ini FIRST DAVIS CUP command of the focal office BOSTON (UPI) The Unit- presented Miss Wilson with ed States won the first Davis an orchid and a leather bound cup tennis matches ever desk set from members of foe played defeating Great Bri-department and other well tain 541 in 1900 wishers 1 Letters were read from CHP State Commissioner Bradford Crittenden and from District Inspector Donaldson Among those present were retired officers Claude Swan of Santa Rosa and Neil Nicholson of Los Banos Miss successor as senior typist-clerk here will not be named until July 1 Physical Education Important smiled she consisting of houses garages sheds and pumps will be auctioned at separate sites starting at 1824 Childs Ave and ending at 212 14th St At 10 am Friday foe auction will start at 218 West 14th St and end at 1355 West 13th SL According to foe State Division of Highways improvements must be removed from the premises by Aug 31 Interiors of the various structures may be inspected between 8 and 10 am on the day of sale A deposit must be put up at the time of sale and the balance paid within 10 days 'Give-A-Liff To Servicemen Shelter Erected A permanent shelter for airmen awaiting rides to Castle Air Force Case Is in operation today at 16th and Streets as a result of efforts of Merced Kiwanis Club The eight foot-hign structure is anchored into foe sidewalk and will soon have a permanent roof of crushed rock according to Fd Shively member of the building committee Others on the committee ere Dr Jack Wright foe Rev Robert Gould and Norman Graham All labor was donated by members Shively said that ft Je the first project of this type since 1941 when Kiwan-i erected temporary shelters for servicemen County Names New Veterans Service Officer John Bettencourt of Gus-tine was appointed Merced County veterans service officer by foe Board of Supervisors today Assistant service officer since Dec 15 1953 Bettencourt succeeds Floyd Farley who resigned to become office manager of a Merced firm Bettencourt said he will not appoint an assistant until the state budget Is approved The state contributes cne-half foe cost of the veterans service program but Gov Fd- About $50 In cash seven the financial aid watches six dgaret lighters and a diamond ring set were reported stolen during a burglary at the Mexico Cafe 525 be abolished The new service officer who is 34 will receive $'(34 As the educational pendulum begins to swing toward greater emphasis upon scholarship what will happen to the athletic programs in the high schools? If some people had their way such programs either would be severely cut back or eliminated altogether We can blame such rash reaction upon the fact that in many of the nation's high schools the tail of athletics was wagging the dog of education To be a football hero was more rewarding than to be an outstanding student That the pendulum has begun to swing in the other direction is perhaps one of the best things that has happened to education in this century But let us not be carried away too far There are many values in physical education values to education itself to let it be reduced too greatly or eliminated completely We are indebted to Coach Bob Ed-minster of the Merced High School for putting some of those values back into focus as they relate to the total edu- cational program 2 Under proper direction competitive In 'a talk before the Merced Rotary Club last week Coach Edminster stated the case for physical education by pointing out that: 1 Youths of high school age need some means of "blowing off steam" through physical activity In the old days youngsters chopped wood performed chores around the home op did odd Jobs At one time it was even socially acceptable for young bloods to work off excessive energy in alley fights Today youths have limited opjiorlunitics outside of school for muscular sports can be employed to motivate otherwise poor students to study harder "The football player who knows that he must keep his grades up to be eligible for the games becomes a better 'Student" the coach pointed out 3 Students are brighter mentally when they return to the classrooms after a good physical workout There is a direct correlation between mental alertness and physical well-being It was also good to hear the coach emphasize the fact that at Merced High School the physical education program is being aimed at all students not just the physically superior specimens in competitive sports He described three levels of approach in the physical education curriculum designed to reach students in all categories of interest or ability First there is the program of noncompetitive activities aimed at body development personal hygiene and physical neatness Second is the intra-mural sports program for the average physical specimen who plays primarily for fun and not always for winning Third is the competitive sports program for the "gifted" physical education student with emphasis upon winning but not at all costs In recent years Merced High also has given more attention to the carryover sports such as tennis swimming and golf They are "carryover" in the sense that they are activities that the students can participate in and enjoy for many years after leaving school We go along with those who wish to see more emphasis placed upon scholarship in our schools But in building better minds let us not forget that sound minds depend upon sound bodies a month There is one other employe in his office at present Mrs Frances Zimmerman slenographcr-cleik Bettencourt lives in Gus-tine with his wife Frances and two daughters Linda Lee 7 and Susan Marie 5 DOLL THAT CHICAGO (UPI) A doll 52 eloped which but not for children This doll has visible that respond just like a when oxygen Is administered It was developed by foe National Cylinder Gas Division of foe Cheme-tron Corp to help train nurses firemen police and other rescue workers in the use of resuscitation equipment West 16fo SL Sunday lilght Nine dollars of foe foot was fa rolled pennies taken from the cash register Money was also taken from a juke box and cigarct machine Police Bald the glass was broken out of the Juke box and the entire cafe was ransacked Entry was made through window In foe mcn'a rest room Fossils show that the condor species of bird has survived since before foe Ice Age.
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