Merced Sun-Star from Merced, California (2024)

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Merced Sun-Stari

Merced, California

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i i i i i 1 i f- 1-- i J1' Ka I I Miscellaneous LEGAL NOTICE LEOAL NOTICE 16 Merced Ca Sun-Star Friday Oct 6 1972 Youth Hurt In Fall From Auto An Atwater youth told California Highway Patrol officers he sustained a head injury when1 he feu from the trunk deck of a car on Atwater-JordanRoad However Bryan Robert Luce IS 7275 Sun Set Ave refused to tell officers who was driving the car and could not pinpoint the exact location of the Thursday night incident Reports said the incident occurred about 7 pjn and Luce notified CHP officers at I jn from Bloss Memorial Hospital He sustained a large bung) on the back of his head Luce told officer he was sitting on the trunk dedr and the driver of the car and he feB to the road striking his heal hr DOUBLE DUTY These four and their fellow Black Student Union members at Merced College will be traveling door to door the next three days offering to register persons who wish to vote Nov 7 Registration deadline is Sunday at midnight The group shown here checks over information that will be passed out daring their door-todoor campaign It urges support for Proposition I the Community College Construction Brad Act Pictured from left are Kirk Bowie Sheila Gaines Teresa Berry and Robert Tomlinson (Sun-Star Photo) I i Obituaries Vesta Morgan Wisdom WINTON Services will be held in the Atwater Chapel of I vers and Alcorn Monday at 3 pm for Loran Otis Wisdom 68 former Atwater police chief who died in Bloss Hospital Thursday Services will be held in the Stratford Evans Merced Funeral Chapel Monday at 10 am for Mrs Vesta Morgan 68 who died in a Lot Angeles hospital Tuesday Burial will be in the Merced church or charity of the File-Suit Against Prop 22 LOS ANGELES(AP) Prop 22 the fum labor measure is the target of a $60 million class action suit filed in Superior Court by persons who my their signatures were forged on petitions used to qualify the measure for the Nov 7 general election ballot Defendants named in the civil suit filed Thursday are: The Fair Labor Practices Committee: Alan Blanchard and Associates of San Francisco hired to gather signatures American Advertising and Sales which collected signatures in Los Angeles County Joy Jamedon Jr the measure's listed" proponent William Queale a coordinator of signature collectors and 500 unnamed signature-collecting companies and individuals The sqit charges invasion of privacy and was filed in the name of Jay Katz 31 a fi employe and law student who says us name appeared on a petition he refused to sigiC had resided in the area his entire life He served as police chief from 19(4 until 1951 and since that time had been self employed -He leaves his wife Mrs Bessie Wisdom 7(01 Myrtle a daughter Mrs John Freitas held in Calvafy Cemetery of Atwater two sons Woodrow Monday at 10 fin for Kathleen of Lbs Angeles and Donald of Jane McKee daughter of Mr Atwater three sisters Mrs and Mrs Charles McKee 201 Oh Brown of Merced Mrs Miss ion Ave Mildred Brant of Santa Quz The Xfhfld died in a local and Mrs Genevieve Curry of hospfial Thursday from injuries Hayward four brothers dved in a traffic accident Herbert of Merced Marvin of He wubom ta Merad and San Pablo Wallace and Lee Wisdom of Arizona and five grandchildren Burial will be in the Winton Cemetery He was a member of the Merced Elks Lodge and the Atwater 'Chamber of Com- merce SHOPPING FOR tow carpet Unolwm Mid? Lotus you fret astimato Expert distillation Profsssionol doming towMt prwds Certified Carpat SO 15th St Merced Ptl 723-1451 7234144 723-1145 MAGIC HANDS MASSAGE 14 Wist' 17th Msrcad California Phono 7224141 MASSAGE EMPLOYMENT Toon Jobs Wantod KTONT55oS By exparUncad toachar Private and group Phono Debbie 35 -3 11 11 Employment Agencies FAVIER Employment Agency 723-31 V7 513 26tfi 723-3191 Computer bookkeeper Assistant bookkeeper part time Florist design experienced hrS400 Farm mechanic plus house Trainee SSSD Loan typist SIS! Sales hrSIOO KALE Placement Agency 314W ISth -723-2044 Dr's assistant 'US Purchasing coordinator to MM Sales SSS Manager trainee S50I Secretary SM Floral dnignor hr S4 JO KAH Employment Agency 7234W11 725 1 1 th 723-405! Security Guard Legal Steno Medical Roceptionist Insurance Typist SI 50 hr Appliance Demonstrators S22Shr 2 part-time Soles X-ray Dcvctopsr-FItas S400up Office-Sales SI 75 hr Full Charge Bookkaopor S450up Tires and Sales Partial Listing Only 11 Mala Help Wanted SCHOOL Building Inspector must meet stoto Vsqulrements Bailie Cressey School District Phono 324371 HELP wantod: Two mole swoat potato packer Muit bo ax-porloncod Apply Ed RodriguM Pocking Shed Alwator EXPERIENCED sarvico station attendant evening toltt Smiley's Shell 1405 Street No phene calls EXPER ENCE man for forms and concrete work also cement finishing 722-204 EXPERIENCED Automotive or sporting goodi talesman Notional company Exporionca only 722-9170 for odpotoynont Ask for Mr Grant between noon and 2 ftm EXPERIENCED dishwasher needed Apply in person at 11 Eat lth Street MANAGER wanted to take over entire promotion of the non-prescription portion of an independent drug store Must hove experience with retail chain Hold position of assistant or manegw or its squivolent in responsibility Welcome applications from food vorioty and drug operations Write Box G-J9 Merced Sun-Star 12 Female Help Wanted BABYSITTER wantod full time my home For two children ages two and three 351315 LIVE-IN core lor two girls eigm ten Must love children Writ Box 932 (Merced WOMAN to livt-in do light housekeeping for couple Good salary two days off a wock 722-3050 OPERATOR needed immediately Mary Leo's Beauty Salon Phono 35411 (after 7 pm 35S4S9S) AVON Calling! New In Town? I'd liko to tell you about the apodal benefits of soiling Avon in your neighborhood It's a wonderful way to moke friends while you make extra money during hours you chooss Phono 723-40S1 GIRL wanted afternoons and evenings Apply in person mor-nthgs only Do Bor Donuts 240 First Street Atwater WINTON area Babysitter needed tor throe school aged children Must have own transportation 151 2945 after pm SEWING SUPERVISOR-INSTBUCTOR Continued growth has created immediate openings for experienced floor lady and Instructor Must bo skilled at eingle needle overtook and special machines with minimum one year in supervision or instruction II qualified ptoosecontact: Mr Kitten DELTA SPORTSWEAR 701 North Stockton Rd Lodi Ca 95240 or call (209) 24491 An equal opportunity omptoyw EXPERIENCED waitress Apply in person Antoie's Restaurant 11 East lta 11 General Employment EXPERIENCED lunch tmfi dinner cook Apply at Vernon's Drive In RETIRED or semi-retired couple to njenege Coin operated -service station in Madera Commission House and utilities fumbhodSond resume to Box H-2 Morcod Sun-Star TELLER Clark position fc financial jnstltutioiw-High-ache graduate minimum Typir eWhly Operate 10 key addk JJiechino Accurate work require Nool appearand personal Efywritfm letter of applicant to Box 911 Merctd SCHOOL HOURS POSITION 4m-3 pm daily SoCurc PtaxieL If you moot requirements position guaran bwwr toon average income perwee desirable in church Swtdey school work PTA Scou or community work ate -For tarview appointmmt write Box I Mwcod Slat Stir giving telepl nymberand address 1 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 72-1)5 The following person- is business os: GIA-NIA'S of 451 West 17th Street Morcod California GEORGIA LAGOVARDOS U3S Street -Livingston Calif This busbicM is conducted by on Individual Signed GEORGIA LAGOVARDOS This statement was filed with Ihe County Clvk of AAerced County on Sept 11 1972 CERTIFICATION thereby certify Ihat the foregoing a correct copy of the original on Hie in my office KENNETH RANDOL County Cfhrk 1 By Poulbiq Hanson Deouty Expires 12-21-1977 Legal 72-72S Sept 15-fR 29 Oct A LEOAL NOTICE Law Offices of KANE AND CANELO Professional Csrperatton Civic CMtar Professional Building SSI W9nd Strew Merced CA CMS NOTICE TO CREDITORS No ms In the mattar of the eUate of AURELIA DEAN DA 0 AURELIA DcANDA Deceased NOTICE is hereby given by Hie undersigned ANN ALVAREZ Executrix of too Last Will and Testament of AURELIA DEAN DA AURELIA DeANDA deceased to the craditori of end all persons having claims age ins the Mid decodsnt to file them with th necessary vouchers within tour months after toe tint publication of to is notice in the office of the dwk of tho Supsriir Court of too State of Californio in and tor too County of Mer cod or to present thorn with toe necessary vouchors within four months attar toe first publication of this notice to the Mid executrix at too tow of Hcos of KANE AND CANELO 550 West 22nd Street Merced CA 95340 which tost named place too undersigned Mtocte os her place of buaiMM in oN matters cetmscMd with tho oilata of Mid decodsnt Dated ot Merced Cel Horn! a Sept 1972 ANN ALVAREZ Executrix of toe Last Will end Testament of AURELIA DEANDA aka AURELIA DeANDA deceased Legal 72 742 Sapt 22 29 Oct 12 LEGAL NOTICE LAW OFFICES OF STRAUSSE NEIBAUER 1020 Eye Street Modesto California 95354 Tel: 52A-2211 Attorneys tor Plaintiff No 4439 SUMAAONS SUPERIOE COUNT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF MERCED CATHERINE HENSON Plaintiff vs PERfMASIDE 1 SALES COR PORATION PERM-SIDE SALES CO JOE SILVA and ERAINE SILVA IRENE BARNETT and LESTER BARNETT 'MERCED PRODUCTION CREDIT ASSOCIATION DOES I and II and all other'persons qn known claiming any right title estate lien or interest in toe reel property described in Ihe complaint advent to plaintiff's title thereof Defendants THE PEOPLE OP THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA SEND GREETINGS' TO: PERMASIDE SALES CORPORATION PERMA-SIDE SALES CO JOE SILVA and Eraino SILVA IRENE BARNETT and LESTER BARNETT MERCED PRODUCTION CREDIT ASSOCIATION DOES I and II and all other persons unknown claiming any right till estate lien or interest in toe reel property described in the complaint advene to plaintiff's title thereof YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED than an action has been commenced against you and each of you in the above entitled Court under toe provisions of Section 731 of too Code of Civil Procedure by plaintiff above named tor the purpoM of determining ell adverse claims and clouds upon tho title to oil that certain reel property situated in the County of (Morcod State of California described as follows: The East IS acres of Lot 121 (Iom rood) to section IS Township A South Range 11 East MDM in Ihe Livingston Land and Colony Company's Subdivision No 2 in toe County ol (Morcod State of California as pdr plat recorded in Book 1 of (Maps page 57 records of Mid County EXCEPTING THEREFROM too following: Beginning at point' that is North 19 East jg feet -end North 5' 3D" West 3S tact from the Southeast corner of Lot 121 according to map above referred to Mid point of beginning being the intersection of the West line of 6 feet County Rood now known as Lincoln Boulevard and the North lino of a 0 toot County Rood now known as Magnolia Avenue thence North West 30 feet along the North lino of Magnolia Avenue thence North 45s 30" East 4273 tact to too West line of Lincoln Boulevard thenco South Is 02 West 30 feet olong toe West line of Lincoln to toe point of beginning All being in Section 35 Township South Range T1 East MDM YOU ARE HEREBY DIRECTED to file with tho clerk of tho obov entitled Court a written pleading response to the complaint In bri action entitled as above 'broiight against you in tho Superior Court of the State of Californio in and for toe County of AAerced within 3S days After the service of this summons 7- YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED toot unless you so appear and answer os above required Mid plaintiff will take judgment for any money or domages demanded In toe plaint arising from contract or will apply to toe Court lor any relief demanded in this complaint YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED toot the object of this action is to moke ths above named defendants set forth too nature ot their claim or claims to too real property in the complaint herein described if any they heveAndJhAt such claim -or claims be adjudged to bo void and of no effect and that plaintiff's into to Midreal property be quieted against each of too above-named defendants You may seek the advice of an attorney on any mot tar connected with toe complaint or this summons Such attorney should bo consulted within too time limit stolid In this summons for filing a written pleading to tot complaint Given under myihand and soil of too Superior Cowl of too State of Californio In and for too County of AAerced this day of May 1972 KENNETH RANDOL Clerk By Pauline Honfea Deputy Clerk 1 Legal 72 770 Oct A II 20 27 NOTICE TO CONTBACTOBS (Advarttsomant) 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Ihat the Weaver Union Sdwol District will' receive separate bids tar -the fgrnbhing at all later materials trsnsporti services for the INSTALLATION OP A PAVED ASPHALT CONCRETE PARKING' LOT AND DRAINAGE SYSTEM AT WEAVER UNION SCHOOL MERCED CALI FOR NIA I Each bid shall be In accordance with the pints and spec if leaf ions now on file with OHLI NGER-JONES ENGINEERS 232S Street Merced California where Mme may be examined and copies obtained upon deposit of S1400 par sat which deposit will be refunded upon return of such copits in good condition within five days attar the proposals arc opened 3 Each proposal shall be made on a form to be provided in Jhe specifications and mutt bt accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of tan per cant of Iha amount bid made payable to the order of the Wmvot Union School District Bids to bt filed of Ihe Weaver Union School District 3(74 East Childs Avenue AAerced California on or before pm October 24 1972 4 The above bond shall be given as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract If awarded the work and will bt declared forfeited if the successful bidder refuses to enter info Mid contract after being requested to do by Iha Ownar The successful bidder win bo required to furnito a labor and matwiel bond in an amount equal to NOS of Iho contract prict and a faithful performance bond in an amount equal to 100 of the contract price Bonds shill bt socured from a surely company satisfactory to Iho Owner 4- The successful blddsr will bo required to give Mllsfactory evidence to Ihe Owner of the maintenance of adequate Workmen's Compensation Insurance and the maintenance of Public Liability Insurance in on (mount not less than 1300400 tor ono person inlured In any 'accident and not Ins than 1500000 tor more than am person injured in ono accident and of the maintenance of Property Damage Insurance in an amount not Mm than 0100000 7 Bidders sr (hereby notified that pursuant to the Statues of tho State of California or local law thereto applicable the Wmvot Union School District has ascertained the general prevailing rata per diem wages and rates tor legal holidays and ovar-time work in ths locality in which this work is to be performed tor each craft 'or typo of workman or mechanic needed to- execute the contract The prevailing wegee and rates determined are sot forth in hill' os patf--ef '--Ihe-Contract Documents The Contractor and each subcontractor are required tot pay at ImsI tho rotas thsroin sot torth or as latest amended under penalties prescribed by lew- By ROY 3 WARD Legal 72-771 Oct 4 13 LEOAL NOTICE NOTICE OP SALE COUNTY OP MIRCED STATE OF CALIFORNIA TAX ANTICIPATION NOTES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Ihat Ihe Board of Supervisors of the County of Merced State of Californio on TUESDAY OCTOBER 10TH 1972 AT THE HOUR OF 17:00 o'clock AM at Iho Office of Iho Said Board of Supervisors in tho CouMy Courts Building in tho Cihrof AAerced State of California in accordance with Iho provisions of section 53120 -section 53(33 both inclusive of tho Government Code of the State of California will Mil for cosh tan (10) Tax Anticipation Notes of Mid County of AAerced as follows: Ten (10) Tax Anticipation Notes of the County of AAerced State of Californio numbered 1-10 inclusive in the face amount of S100 00000 each and in the aggregate omount of S1000jl0000 doted October 12th 1972 and duo end payable on December 29 1972 to Iwarer Said notes will bear interest at rate to be stated on the face thereof not to exceed seven (7) per cent per annum and shall be paid on the Mid notes at tho maturity thereof Each bidder shall specify in hie bid the rata of interest he desires Mid notes to boar and tho premium offered it iny All of Mid notes shall bear ono rota of intarast Said Notes will bo Bid and awarded to tho bidder or bidders offering to purchase at the lowest rata of interest computed from the data of Mid notes atorcMid to the 29th day of December 1972 or whose bid represents ths lowest not kit ores! cost to the Mid County of AAerced If two or more bidders offer to purchoM Mid notes at the Mme lowest rata of intarast or tho him lowest net interest cost the Board of Suoervisors shall determine vdiich bid shall be accepted Interest shall bo computed on the basis of three hundred sixty-five days (35) per year The right is reserved by the Board of Supervisors to reject any or oil bids Sealed propoMls tor Ihe purchase of Mid Tax Anticipation Notes shall be left with the Clerk ot the County of AAerced ot his office in Iho Courts building in Iho City of AAercsd on or before said data and hour stated above Each proposal must bo accompanied by a certified check cashier's check or a cash deposit in Ihe sum of SI 00000 payable to Iho order of the Treasurer of the County of AAerced Mid check or cash deposit will bt returned to the un'-succesiful bidder In com of rejection of his propoMl end tho check or cash deposit will be for ft itod in com ho fails to accept and pay tor tho Mid notes bid for by him before 5:00 October 12th 1972 (the dote of said notes) if Ms bid is accepted and Mid notae a re duty tendered tor delivery on or before Mid date Tho unqualified opinion of (Messrs Orrick Herrington Rowley Sutcliffe of San Francisco approving mo validity of Mid notes will be furnished to tho successful bidder at bidder's expense Thie notice is puriuant to a Resolution of said Board of Supervisors of the County of -Mer-cod State of Californio adopted on the t91h day of September 1972 (SEAL) NordmaA Chairmen of Ifio Board of Supervisors of the County of Merced Stoto of Californio ATTEST: KENNETH RANDOL County Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of Ihe of Supervisors of Jhe County ot Merced" State of California By Skinner Deputy Legal 72-77 Oct more 53000 READERS 11VE IN AREA HOMES RECEIVING THE SU $TAR YOU REACH THAT MANY PEOPLE WHEN YOU USE SUN-STAR CLASSIFIED ADS John Sullivan was knocked out by James' Corbett in the 21st round at New Orleans on Sept 71892 LEGAL NOTICC PRESTON RAUCNT-'- A KING 202-210 Crockar Bank Beildiog Morcsd Caliternta 95340 TetaphOM: 7221744 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OP THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THU COUNTY OP MERCED Ns 13129 Natka af Tina Sal far Praving Will Ml taring Applicatiag far Lattan Tattamentary In Iha Mat far of the Eitata of ELAINE FELBER Occaaaad NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a petition for the probate of the will of the above named decedent and lor the issuance of JERREL STEPHENS and JAMES PHILLIPS of letters testamentary has bean filed in this court and that Wednesday the ISth day of October 1972 at 9:00 o'clock AM of Mid doy of tho courtroom of Mid court at the COUNTY COURTS BUILDING in the City of Morcod County of Morcod Stoto of California hove bean sat as the time and place for tho flooring of Mid petition whan and where any parson interested may appear and contest the Mme and show causa if any they hove why Mid petition should not bo granted For further particulars reference Is hereby mode to Mid petition on file in my oHico Dated October 2 1972 KENNETH RANDOL County Clerk By Sumic Morita Deputy Clark -Legal 72 7M Oct 10 1 Too Late to Classify 11 Male Help Wanted EXPERIENCED automotive masker tor production shop Paid holidays and vacation 41 West Street at end of 24 HomfS For Sale THREE bedroom two bath central heat and refrigeration large fenced yard sunken living room with fireplace Shag carpal family room built-ins 123700 Carol Avenue 722-4524 OPEN HOUSE 1 ns to 6 pm Sat Sue BUY- until foe see bis 4 Bedroom Custom Built Home With All Extras New Merced CaHsfe- ON 'R1 St gs Butai Visti to 33S)S Rafael Ct BuiWei Broker 723 5262 nr 723-4943 22 Furnished Apartments LARGE one bedroom duplax Slid plus deposit Must help with yard Pets no children Available September lto 7224454 21 Unfurnished Apartments BEAUTIFUL two bedroom control air carpets built-ins drapes garage utitlty S10 723-2404- 14 Furnished Homes UTILITIES paid Two-bedroom lanced yard S155 Inquire 10 West ISth SI Business Opportunities BUSINESS tar sale Fimbrez Club 324 West 17th Street or coll 722-0SM or 722-9M2 0 Miscellaneous GARAGE Salt: Atwater Woman's clothing sidewalk bike some furniture miscellaneous MIS Almador Terrace Saturday 71 Livestock For Sale ONE market lamb three enras bred Hampshire Suffolk ewe lambs Mark Toppsrt 722-4559 12 Automotive Service-Parti FIBERGLASS dune buggy body 32 engine Chevrolet aluminum transmission Phono 3513977 ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 Net ices KNAPP CUSHION SOLES Harry Bloom Phone 2SE 3945 MERCED Dial-g-bue 722 332 Sarvko anywhere within Merced city Limife 7:30 sm pm everyday Dollar minimum charge Two or mere passengers SO cents psr passenger MASSAGE Hi Wo ere the girls at the Magic Hands AAassagd Salon At your service from I pm until 12 mid- night Whon you fool all tod tensions coming on or you would lust Ilka a most rafaxJng and onfoyebta massage coma see us I -For- appointment ceil 722-0141 3 West 17th AAerced Bring this ad with yom and get a tree steam bath with your massage! MASSAGE 2 Personals CUSTOM sewing and alterations tor yew fall and holiday wardrobe Phone Mery 7224175 9 am to A om (Monday through Friday JOIN-" SOLE POWER" OCTOBER 7 PROBLEM with aicbhol? Alcoholics Anonymous corntr Dan Word and Beachwood Drive 722-5951 723-254 AVlbNTlON Pipe Smokers: Save 30 to SO per rent on all Kaywoodie and AAadico pipes at AAa Drugs Abo new shipment of oriental end exotic smoking tobacco has just arrived Come in and try a free Mmplt 3 tost and Found FOUND: barman shorthalr In vicinity of Orttiopodic Medical Group Boor CreWc Drive Owner Identify by description 722411 before pm LOST: Two dogs Brawn and whita female Brittany Mole black co*cker-Poodle Vicinity Bowles Farming Los Banos (415) 44-345 Reward LOST: Vicinity of Whealan and Childs Carman Shepherd female Reward Phone 3544552 THE Lady who has our German Shephard pteaM call again Kids are Still heartbrakaa'ptoaM let us have our dog bock Lost in Sep-tamber 722-HOI 4 Feed Dining -CRACCO RANCH STAND Special large tomatpes five pounds SI Pumpkins peppers walnuts chestnuts stcctara 722-5050 TURNIPS MUSTARD GREENS RED ONION SEEDLINGS' Other plants Allan's Acres 1977 Batcher 722 CHANNEL CyfFISH pond grown protain fgd Live 10c pound Fishing 7Sc pound Open seven days weekly 7 am 7 pm Robertson's Cbannol Cattish Farm West Bsllsvue Uood Msrted 722-5451 PIES BY LULU For Deiiciout Mitt TttwEtt ORDER NOW FOR THE HOLIDAYS (avoid thereto) 1722 SI 722 9422 Card of Thanks WE wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our Pastor Robert Tenner I vers and1 Alcorn Dr Carter and Staff Bloss Hospital and oil our friends and neighbors Signed: Tho Family of Lucille Whitehurst SERVICES 1 Repairs Improvomonts LAWN mowers sharpened and repaired Scissors-garden toots sharpened Small welding lobs 722-4752 WALLPAPERING PAINTING FIRST CLASS PHONE 722-3254 or 7234097 TREE STUMPS REMOVED Machine operation Jack Hobby 'Phone 7225294 GARDENING pruning odd lobs lawn core Reasonable prices Phone 7222579 CLEANING mowing light pruning Jim Watson Phono 722-57S1 ex tension 234 DOUGLAS SEPTIC TANK SERVICE New Installations repair pum-ping 722-4171 CEMENT work patio foundotion sidewalks Free estimate At Poo 7232705 attar 4 pm CARPENTRY painting cement work potto's plumbing sewer work Phone Hoi's construction 7224407 YARD cleaning and mowing landscaping pruning Exporienccd-reosonabb 722-0190 or 723 329 2-0090 tiUMPh VtUAAPHRIES ELECTRIC Licensed contractor Free estimates Merced 723-7401 AAeriposo 741-7413 SPANISH BASQUE Gardener Lmm maintenance and general gardening clean up 722-720 liter 5 pm CHIMNEYSWEEPS Chimney' s-Fk-epiacfs cleaned Experienced Reliable No mess Sixth year in Mcrcsd area For appointment 2SS5027 CARPENTER repair and remodeling No 'job too imoil Phono 351-7004 PORTABLE and shop welding 154 70S Ml West Almond Avenue Wtaton- BEAUTIFUL' acoustic glitter ceilings wall textures shoetroefc repair taping Quolity at lowest cost Collect 5294974 RUSS'S WAJCH REPAIR Restore Your Old Wotdie' PLAZA CENTER 1255 17th St '723 7092 IMlSCtlUltodUS LIGHT hauling: Trash garagu cleaned etcetera Anything any area frte osttmafes 722-2197 I -C How to malte twice as much as a typical high school graduate without going to college for 4 years Candidate to Speak at MC Fortney (Pete) Sark Jr Democratic congressional candidate from Alameda County will speak at Merced College Monday His ap-pearaAce is being sponsored by the MC Young Democrats Stark was a upset winner in the June Primary over long-time incumbent George Miller He will speak at noon in the main dining room of the cafeteria The public is invited Court Ruling SAN FRANCISCO (AP) A federal judge has ruled that the UB Constitution bans' police searches of newspapers businesses1 citizens not suspected of a crime He said the proper legal tool is a subpoena A search warrant can be issued only with a showing that there is "proper to believe records or materials sought in a criminal investigation might be destroyed UB District Court Judge Robert Peckham said on Thursday More than one-third of the catch of fish comes from the Atlantic Ocean She was born in Los eles and came here sis years ago The Rosary will be recited in the Mission Chapel of I vers and Alcorn Sunday at 7 pm Besides her parents she leaves a sister Nancy McKee of Merced 1- Get a year or two of technical training There are thou-sands of jobs for technicians in every scientific field from engineering to medicine to com puters to ecology Jobs that pay as much as some college graduates earn But take four years to prepare for For more information about technical schools and technical careers write for this free guide from the government Fill out this ad and mail it today SALES SERVICE RENTALS To: Careers Washington DC 20202 -we I a I Name 1 I I Address -I 1 1 72 CLEARANCE SALE NnU-ll Ni 3211012114621 HirCMdifiaMd Pwar Plant $Q7 Man) Otbv Options Maud To 7- nssTalLk imoDnoo OF CENTRAL CALIF' P' Adrtffi lifts cm IrAsted tor Uit'nlie Itod la csepcntiM af Ttf Advert! sto CmscU ind Ike tntreftieif1iur MserUsini Eucxtim V-' 31 McHenry MODESTO 5294)761 -V I I A.

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Author: Mr. See Jast

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Views: 5764

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (75 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

Phone: +5023589614038

Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.