The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

1 A 1 hare been properly Tried ricted, the said amendment to the (apparent) contrary notwithstanding! DE: THE AIMENT ONE 'ANVOY When the Valetide season Comes, its joy to bring, And the children's voicedGlad, with laughter ring, Some home may be lonely For a moire mo longer hoard, Some heart may be aching. Because there'll be so wordThat always came at YuletideJittle letterAnd the love with It That makes 'all mortals better. So in the midat of gladness, for 'happiness and cheer, not forget that To some one who is near, May be lightened Just: a little, if we share' with them our joy. Ard prove the Christmas Bo the absent -Pearl. O'Neale Holt.

-TO PLAY UP TO (Contraded trot Pint Tater return game with the Tar Heels, In former seasons the Virginia schedule has almost always. ended, about May 10,,, and the baseball teams has boot disbanded before Anal examination time. But. Brown, graduate manager, after. running the matter with balforulty authorities, Is making out a list.

of games through until June. Arrangements are being made to play Harvard in Washlugton on Aprit 19' lastead of Daring "this came cr Cama: bridge. No plans are being made for northers trip next 'spring, but the team will to is far' south an Georgia The tentative schedule follows: March. 36-Now York U. at home.

March at home. April -Washington and. Loc home: April Fordham at hame, e11 at bore. 164 Cornell at home. April 18-Richmond as home, April M.

I.rat Lexington. April 17-Washington and Lee at Lexington, Aprit: 18. home. April Harvard at (pending). April 31-V.

M. 1. at home. April 26-Lynchburg 'at' home. April 30-North Carolina Greensboros 1-Georgia at home.

play Davidson 'at horde. May 9-Went Virginia at home. May at. home. June 11-North' Carolina at home June 13-North Carolina at Chapel COMMITTEE ON COACHES WILL MEET SOON To Elect Football Sirntor en Catapbell Virgiala's committee on coaches will be called together within few days to select a adecessor to Thomas J.

Campbell who was head coach ol the football eleven this fall but who has announced that 'he whit hot able to return to the University next season Dr. J. H. 1 Net, chairman of the commitice on coaches, said- that Coach Campbell's decision will mean a complete revision of the grid iron plans for next fall. It had, noped that Coach -with Line Coach 'Earl Abel, world return) to next Setpember but.

un: lows heican be made" to' reconsider his decision the commitice will haru to consider the whole problem Although 'Virginia lost as many tames as were won in the season fust past players, students, alumal all thought that the eleven drilled by Coaches Campbell and Abel was a successful one and they desired; the two men to return for another gridiron campaign. Dr. Net would not alaruss possible successors bead coach until the committru Mr. Campbell, who is 'n letter. inan of Harvard, will take up the dutica or annistant: graduate treasure of the Harvard 'Athletic Association: at.

the first of nest year. He will take, chase of football training in land will probadly coach Tho freshmen or the seond- team next fall, On the coaching committee ara Dr. Net, representing the faculty, I Virgiaus: of Orange, representative, 'and Shioldet Goodwin, front the studanti body. Rudyard Kipling He reported and go. dol press time pe Rock Gazette Pin Pin PAGE FOUR, THE DAILY PROGRESS PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON HUNDAY TIL PROGRESS BUILDING J.

LINDEAT, Owner, F. J. RANDOLPH, 'a sociate Manor, TELEPHONE 184 RATE Month by Your by Mall Dally Carrier week .12 Entered as matter by post as Va, BITURDAY, DEC, 10, 1024 Mowbers Of The Amociated The Associated Press la exclusive ly antitied to the use for repabilca tiea of all- dispatches credited to' it or not otherwise credited 13 this paper And alas the local published bereta. NOTICH TO ADVERTISERS Advertisers who desire: cheagos In their advertisem*nts arc arred to sad. In the copy a the day changes are to be Impossible to guarantee any change on the same day copy is sent to Ad.

vertisers are requested to make a note of this and to covers themselves accordingly. CUNATITUTIONAL Now that the Supreme Court of the United States bai rendered a holding that under the Latins lawe, at least, there may he much thing as a perBOD being pat in Jeopardy both an6: der Federal, and state statues, many a are being heard, and articles printed, 'holding that the ancient and honorable Constita. don being rapidly' "reduced to merely a of paper," Most of these confident arguments are based on the off -quoted but little understood amendment to the: great charter of Government composed and adopted at, Philadelphia la 1747, which. was Insisted on elope with some nine others when the Arst Congress assembled in 1798. The: whole of said article follows: 10 A No person he held to answer tor capital or wise infamous crime antras on or indictment of a grand jury, except: la cases ariaIns in the land 'or naval, forces, or to the militia.

in service. la. time' of war: or public dauger; nor shall any: person 'be subject for the same. offense to be twice put la jetpardy of lite or limb; nor by cumpalled in any criminal case to be a witness -agatnat himself, nor de deprived of life, liberty or. property without due process 'ot law; sor aball: private property be for 110 use without just compensa, tion.

Now, most people 3 reading this without knowing how has been construed by the Courts of last' resort, are usually perlectly conident that it alates and fave a Minitation on the powers of all the Courts in this broad land of ours, and hence, become just as perfectly Indignant when. any. court-rullug, la made, which. seems to invade any of Its particular testrictive. clauses.

This 1s especially so: of the one to the 'effect 'that "no person iNall be subject "for the name. offense. to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb" and the next to, the last. to the: ofTect that none "shall be deprived "of; life. liberty or property without due process of law." This seems clearly ado restrict such prosecutions, for Instance.

28. were in tho case just decided by the Honorable: preine Court, and also quite large number of ludacy 'in rions States, where persons 80: charged are often placed under, confinement without "having been allowed 'atrial by fury. But or legal tact, all this to bared ion an eutire, misconception: of the parriew and proviace. of the Valled Grates Constitution, Its pro-, being held to apply only' in caves artaine under the lawn panded by Congress, and hare no application in State laws or procedare. And in perspance to this fundamental legal principle, the qua preme "Court of Appeals many years ago that this fib fiendment only designed as limitation on the powers of Congress, and the national goveramet, wand doos.

not apply to the to adopted by the Laglalature of the Stater of Virginia in the case. in retorarcised Aparly who had been, sentenced to so to jail for To a 1o. bald to IN MOVIE WORLD FUARTING DOESN'T PAY, NORMA TALMADOR PROVEN it pay to firt! That's one lesson Norma Talmadge sets forth in her big dramatic screen "The Eternal Flame," which will be the Mint National traction the Jefferson Theatre Monday sad Tuesday. The variety of the coquelte is the cause of ibedownfall of the duch*ess of Langrais, played by Miss, Talmadge In "The Eternal. Flame," For eten during the pentitens mood of the Gederal de Montriteau following his censure of the duch*ess' In the toilet that she had been laughing at his love, the sees an opportunity to bring her 'conquent tally before rival, Madame de Serizy, In scene wherein he neels abjectly before her bearing forgiveness for his lack of faith.

During the early stages of a'a subjugation, Madanie de Serizy refused to believe the 1 oral would surrender to the charms of shy wothi mie aim 'on his kaces before her. It wan there Loft a moment of trumph for the a Unfor: tunately for the duch*ess, de Montriread saw the triumphant look on hee taco as she glanced meaningly at Madame de Serisy and his faith wan shattered. From that serend the max whom love had been reiigion became a changed man, cruel and merciless. And what made it bitter was the Foalization by the that she really loved trents that follow in the highly dramatic story provide entertainment rarely leled la motion pictures. The fashionable visitors 'at Palm Beach are many times shown in the backgrounds of the new Irene the "glim Shoulders" which comes to the Lafayette theatre next Monday.

All of the exteriors for this' new Irene Cantle picture were made in and around Palin Beach, with the possible exception of a few shots of Now York Streets, which, of course, were shot in New. York City. 'The studio scenes also were made! in the Tilford, studios in New but taken altogether the majority of the scenes are laid In Palm Beach. Mrs. Castle and.

the members of her company spent nearly six weeks at various Palm Beach resorts while the picture was being made and on every clear day bundreds of visitors at the famous resort carefully followed each detail "of the picture making. In this way Director Alan Crostand was' enabled to ket'. some very backgroupds for com of the' scenes and on two he used visitors Instead of "extras" for the crowd scenes. after the pictare. was 1 completed Are.

Castle vent 10 Europe, but she has returned to Now York where is said she la the center of' attraction, with her bare ears and new styles in clothes that she Brought back from Gay Parce. PALM BEACH CHOWDH SEEN IN PICTURE AN ACCEPTABLE GIFT The Daily Progress will be an Christmas gift to any distant relatire and friend, and will be almost dally reminder of the Thoughtfulness of the giver. If You Are Too Tired to. Eat Take Hood's wellknown Justice of the Peace In IndianA maya makes food taste After taking three bottles he oats 3 hearty nrals day, grateful works hard woman and sleeps writes: well. earnestly recommend all woInen who wish to be made now, or who' are' troubled with thut tired feeling, to take Hand's Sarsaparilla.

wonderfully. distress reliered and me belching. of sour Get Hood's. and only Hood' INVESTMENTS. If, you did not get in on the purchase of a tew-bargatus sold last month.

It over. ret on, one of these or others listed, two well bullt Maia St. store rooms with nice Amished dats abore 033,000, one halt block of Water. St. property for subdivision.

On East High 8t. aa 8 room housa, and large lot. One smaller bouse than the above two doors Bast, go it you wish to' bay or rent. List rout, rental properties, with us See F. M.

HUYETT, J. 7. HOLLADAY, its Fourth Stret 121 Xmas Suggestion! Buy Brand Shoes for Men and 1: Robey Co. Figure the Cost! Now much did it cast hasp your fatally much poi bury last winter? coca ALLEN'S FURNACE The Allen Hester gas of your chimney. The blest Are your fuel R.

P. HARRIS. CO. CUT PRICE $. Woodbury's Facial 'Soap F.

19c 86c Maris Fire Pow 45c 60c Popsodent Tooth Paste 39c 30c Kalinos Tooth. Paste 22c 50e Pompelan FacePowder 45c 50c. Dorin Rouge 44c 35c Maris Talcum 21c CO OPERATIVE DRUG inc. SAN TOX SHOP A Tire as Reliable as Its Name Resilient tires -lasting tires--America Tires. The tires which are built for Americans and by Americans 1 Name 1 Charlottesville Co.

the acwly daugh tor hard "Dickisad I aro truly two souls with but a single, thought." child, dea't be die couraged," hor tather ied! (wootbingly. "That's: one mere "than! mother and 1 had A when word married." -Torosto Telegrams MONEY SAVERS Black Draught 16c Pinkham's Veg. Comp. 88c Pepsodent Tooth Paste Dorine (all shades) 44c" Woodbury's Soap 'Cutex '(entire list) Kolynos Tooth Paste 22c Soap '19c Vicks Salve 29c Wine Cardui 88c 1 M. TIMBERLAKE, Inc.

BIG LITTLE 6 PRICES A CHRISTMAS CHECK 1923 Join one of our Christmas Savings Clabs and through small deposits 7, each week' accumulate a reserve for 1923. JOIN TODAY- CLUB NOW FORMING. THE NATIONAL BANK CHARLOTTE VILLA VA, XMAS CAKES DIRECT FROM THE BAKER Chocolate, Orange, Cocoanut, Pineapple, Caramel, layer cakes in two sizes. ANGEL FOOD- FRUIT CAKES DON'T DELAY- ORDER TODAY, COLONIAL BAKERY 318 EAST MAIN STREET Boys' All-Wool Stocking 5 to $1.50 Men's and Boys' Gloves to $4.50 Children's and Misses' Middy Suits. to $13.25 Ladies' Fur Chokers- $6.50 to $39.00 Ladies' Plain and Fancy Petticoats.

to $8.50 Ladies' Hair Braids $2.75 to $15.00 The Peoples Dry Goods House 406 E. MAIN STREET HAVE, YOU ANY Stocks or Bonds to Sell? laves its are assured of the best possible prices, whether they wish to bay or sell, listed or unlisted socurities and. are invited to. comptnicate with the G. B.

BEALE ORGANIZATION Stone St. New Yuk We Beg to Announce We Are Now in Our NEW. QUARTERS at 620 East Market St. A And' we extend to the people of Charlottesville 6 A Cordial Invitation To come and- Inspect dar plant which is up-to-date in every 4, respect. It is one of the nicest plante of it's kind In: the state; -It Is a credit to our city and are justly proud of it.

Come In and see how well treat, your Home Laundry, Inc. See Our Display 4r -OFElectric Trains 1 5 3 Bring the Kiddies 3 Sensibaugh Electric Co. Phone 819 319 E. Main St..

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)


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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.